vCenter and vSphere 5.1

The latest versions of VMware’s vCenter, vSphere, vCloud Director, and vShield are now at version 5.1. The first major, ground breaking change…


That is right, a year after making the very unpopular choice to limit the amount of ‘vRAM’ you could use per license, VMware has heard the screams of pain and completely tossed the idea. While it only really effected a handful of the thousands of customer of VMware, it was a complexity that caused more confusion than answers.

Now to the news…

vSphere 5.1 has once again rev’ed the virtual hardware version to version 9. Version 9 will give you the ability to run 64 cores on a single VM, this makes the ‘Monster VM’ even larger!

vCenter 5.1 supports 20,000 VMs powered on in the same vCenter, 25 linked vCenters, 1,000 hosts per datacenter, 128 storage vMotions concurrently.

VMware is also moving away from the thick C# client that was tied to Windows only machines, to a web-based client. This new vSphere Web Client was there in 5.0 but it was incomplete and lacked basic functions still. 5.1 is the first version of the vSphere Web Client that is actually a near replacement for the old thick client. If the vSphere Web Client is used you can actually get around 150 concurrent client connections to your vCenter server(s).

More to come as information comes out of VMWorld this week!

vCloud Network Security (formerly vShield)
What does it take to achieve a VCDX certification?