Time for a change... Well a new direction at least

I started working at VMware just under two years ago. In that time I have gone for a Cloud Practice, where we developed the services and solutions that are being implemented today. Which transitioned into a group developing bleeding edge documentation, processes, and ultimately ‘making the marketing world a reality’.

Since then I have transitioned to a more security in the cloud role. For example, how can a workload in the cloud be secured and audited against, no matter where it is running?

Now for a new challenge, something fresh; most importantly… something NEW. Not only to me, but to almost everyone.

I was asked a few weeks ago to join a new business unit in VMware to join a new Global Center of Excellence on Network Virtualization Security. There I will be focusing on the current VMware vCloud Network Security Suite of products. Most interesting is merging the vCloud Network Security Suite with Nicira’s NVP product.

While it is still cloud related, it is now more network (NaaS), security, and then cloud.

Let the mayhem being!

What does it take to achieve a VCDX certification?
Network as a Service